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Faculty Authors/Local Books

Threshold Of Light

Glaser, Michael
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Threshold Of Light

Product Description

"If ever a book found words for cosmic energy, it's THE THRESHOLD OF LIGHT. 'Light' becomes the dynamic force here; and in this sallow time in history we need this book more than ever. To live at the highest level of human thought is to refresh language; and Glaser shows that our ordinary daily acts are divine ones. This poetry blesses every day, and us, with its descriptions."--Grace Cavalieri, The Poet and the Poem from The Library of Congress.
Poetry. "Yeats said, 'There is a second world but it is in this one.' Reading THE THRESHOLD OF LIGHT, I have a deeper feeling for what he means. These poems, in their exquisite simplicity, in their love and kindness, make sacred ground of daily experience, relationships and the natural world. In his poem 'Spring' Glaser writes, 'And she invites you into your own heart.' Entering there is how Yeats' second world blossoms into blessing."--John Fox, Founder of The Institute for Poetic Medicine
"In this lovely collection, Glaser notices the way each glimmer of light dignifies: the curve of his wife's back, the 'fluid and flux' of fog, the way his daughter's eyes 'stare off at the large oak / unleaving...'. Glaser's own gaze gives off such brightness it illuminates simple things & the life of the spirit equally, making of each charged moment a kind of grace."--Rick Benjamin, State Poet Laureate of Rhode Island (2012-2016)

54 Pages
Paperback Binding
Bright Hill Press
Published 2019