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Faculty Authors/Local Books

When The Daffodils Die

Schillinger, Darah (Alum)
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When The Daffodils Die

Product Description

This beautiful chapbook includes an assortment of poems exploring love, loss, and the self. Within the pages are various references to the wonders of nature, providing her readers with the tangible to describe intangible feelings. From wintery landscapes to cloudy skies and yellow summer days, Darah wields her poetry within when the daffodils die to bring her readers on a journey through their (and her) relationship with themselves and with those they choose to surround themselves with. Young love, a mother’s love, self-love, spiritual love, all-encompassing love. Her willingness to write about the many facets of love and the way she challenges both herself and the long-standing truths within society about women and their place within the world makes this collection of poetry one of courage, defiance, and an appreciation for the overlooked things in life.