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Faculty Authors/Local Books

War Movies

Karlin, Wayne
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War Movies

Product Description

In War Movies, Wayne Karlin returns to Vietnam to work on the Vietnamese film, Song of the Stork, in which young Vietnamese film-makers tried to recreate their parents' war. And Karlin makes a second journey to the old battlefields with his son and a group of young American film-makers who are looking for their fathers' war - as a new war in Iraq rages. Particularly powerful are the contrasts and connections between the younger and older generations of Vietnamese and Americans and the meditative quality of the narrative as Karlin explores the ironies involved in bridging the gap between past and present, and the blurred overlap of film and reality. As he works on the movie and converses with his former enemies and their children, past and present, illusion and reality, humor and sorrow blend. What is reality? What is fiction? What were the consequences of all the former sacrifice?

224 pages
Paperback Binding
Northwestern University Press
Published 2005